The Event The Glastonbury Festival is one of the largest music and performing arts festivals in the world. Taking place in an area over 900 acres (3.6 km²), in 2007, over 700 acts played on over 80 stages and the capacity expanded by 20,000 to 177,000. Our Involvement We supply screens to both the Pyramid […]
The Event
The Glastonbury Festival is one of the largest music and performing arts festivals in the world. Taking place in an area over 900 acres (3.6 km²), in 2007, over 700 acts played on over 80 stages and the capacity expanded by 20,000 to 177,000.
Our Involvement
We supply screens to both the Pyramid and Other Stage. The Pyramid Stage – 2 x 8×7 Lighthouse R16 stage left and stage right stacked on a chair structure with a 5×5 Lighthouse R16 on structure – front of house. For the Other Stage 2 x 6×6 Lighthouse R16 screen were flown on structures.